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PiaSky (crovalimab-akkz)

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Learn more about PiaSky

The information in this section may include content beyond what is in the FDA-approved label. Because the FDA has not approved such content, no conclusions regarding safety or efficacy may be made. Providing this information should not be construed as recommendation for use of a Genentech product for unapproved uses. For FDA-approved products please consult the product’s full prescribing information for a complete discussion of risks and benefits of the product(s) for its approved indication(s).

See full prescribing information for complete boxed warning

PIASKY increases the risk of serious and life-threatening infections caused by Neisseria meningitidis.
PIASKY is available only through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy called the PIASKY REMS. Healthcare providers and specialty pharmacies, who prescribe or dispense PiaSky must enroll in the PIASKY REMS. Further information is available at the PIASKY website ( or 866-469-7599.

To view a PDF of the above document, please click here.

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Publications and Congresses

The information in this section may include content beyond what is in the FDA-approved label. Because the FDA has not approved such content, no conclusions regarding safety or efficacy may be made. Providing this information should not be construed as recommendation for use of a Genentech product for unapproved uses. For FDA-approved products please consult the product’s full prescribing information for a complete discussion of risks and benefits of the product(s) for its approved indication(s).

Publications: The list of publications is not an exhaustive list of published materials on the product. The list of references by data topics is selected per evidence-based medicine criteria. To browse a full listing of published scientific literature:

Congresses: The list of congresses is a subset of Roche/Genentech posters and oral presentations for the product with data presented at scientific meetings in the recent 24 months. To browse full Roche/Genentech congress presentations and posters:


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